Howie Giles Wins 2020 Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorship. The Dickson Emeriti Professorship is awarded on an annual basis for a term of one academic year to an emerita or emeritus faculty member. The substantial funds associated with the Professorship may be used to support the research, recall teaching appointment, or public service of the holder of the Professorship.
Professor Emeritus Giles will further his work with Lt. Shawn Hill of the Santa Barbara Police Department who has significant interests in intergroup communication and policing. The Fellowship will: underwrite research visits to Santa Barbara by Professor Ed Maguire, a criminologist at Arizona State; assist in planning and processing the co-editing of a contracted special issue of the journal, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, called “Police and the People”; plan and begin writing an authored text encouraged by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers for police colleges, academies, and university courses on communication and law enforcement; and plan and evaluative a theory-driven intervention study they are devising on promoting positive contact between law enforcement and the public. Finally, the Fellowship will assist in Dr. Giles’ coediting, with Natasha Shrikant (U of CO, Boulder) and Shardé Davis (U of Connecticut), a special issue of the Journal of Language & Social Psychology entitled, “THE LEGACY OF GEORGE FLOYD: Language, Communication, and Social Psychological Perspectives toward Change and Social Justice.”