Our theories have helped define the field of communication and our empirical research has informed policy, practice, and big thinking about challenges facing contemporary society. Researchers in the department use a range of cutting-edge quantitative and qualitative approaches to advance the study of communication across contexts. This involves deep commitments to interdisciplinary research, theory building, community engagement, and public scholarship. Research in the department falls into the three core areas (outlined below) and spans a range of cross-cutting topics.

Interpersonal and Intergroup Communication
Communication between individuals and groups is the essence of social life. We study verbal and nonverbal communication processes in personal, intimate, and group relationships.

Media and Digital Communication
Mass and digital media play increasingly important roles in social, civic, and political life. Our research encompasses the social, psychological, and behavioral effects of mass, online, and interactive media on individuals, relationships, and societies.

Organizational and Group Communication
Organizational communication is central to our digital and globalized world. We study dynamics of communication across contexts from the workplace of the future to small groups to multinational organizations to social movements.
Research Groups and Labs
Media Neuroscience Lab Research at the intersection of media, neuroscience, evolutionary theory, and research methodology.
The Communication and Empowerment Collective Research collaborative focused on communication, immigration, and reducing inequities.
UCSB Digital Political Inequality Lab We study how communication technology makes us more or less politically equal.
Media Skill Lab We study how aspects of our digitally-mediated environment enable, constrain, and alter strategic decision-making surrounding our media use.
GCORT Globalization, communication, organizational responsibility, and technology.
The Communication, Health, and Emerging Media Laboratory The CHARM lab examines the cognitive, emotional, and social mechanisms underlying communication processes that shape people’s behaviors and health decision-making against the backdrop of the current new media landscape.