Jennifer Gibbs studies collaboration in global teams and other remote, distributed, and hybrid work arrangements and implications for the future of work. In addition, her research examines the affordances of new technologies such as digital media and artificial intelligence for strategic communication practices and organizational transformation.
Jennifer Gibbs is Professor and Graduate Director in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She has affiliated appointments in TMP and CITS. Her current projects include studies of: 1) boundary management and well-being in global and remote work, 2) concertive control in online communities, and 3) the role of artificial intelligence in organizational transformation. Her work draws on both qualitative and quantitative methods and takes a field-based, constitutive approach to understanding organizing processes and technological affordances. Her work has been published in leading journals from a variety of disciplines including Administrative Science Quarterly, American Behavioral Scientist, Communication Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Human Relations, The Information Society, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, Management Communication Quarterly, and Organization Science. She has also published two books (Organizing Inclusion and Distracted: Staying Connected without Losing Focus). Professor Gibbs is past Editor of Communication Research and was formerly an Associate Editor for Management Communication Quarterly, as well as serving on the editorial boards of a number of other top-tier communication and management journals. She teaches courses in Organizational Communication, Communication Technology, and Qualitative Research at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Ph.D. (2002). University of Southern California, Organizational Communication
B.A. (1992). Pomona College, Philosophy