Research interests include environmental communication, public communication campaigns, methodology, organizational and management theory, information science and bibliometrics, social uses and effects of new media and information systems, and social networks.
Dr. Rice has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University of Montreal (2010), elected as an ICA Fellow, selected President of the ICA (2006-2007), awarded a Fulbright Award to Finland (2006), and appointed as the Wee Kim Wee Professor at the School of Communication and Information and the Visiting University Professor, both at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (Augusts 2007-2009 and June 2010). His co-authored or (co)edited books include the Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society (2020); Organizations and unusual routines: A systems analysis of dysfunctional feedback processes (2010); Media ownership: Research and regulation (2008); The Internet and health care: Theory, research and practice (2006); Social consequences of Internet use: Access, involvement and interaction (2002); The Internet and health communication (2001); Accessing and browsing information and communication (2001); Public communication campaigns (1981, 1989, 2001, 2012); Research methods and the new media (1988); Managing organizational innovation (1987); and The new media: communication, research and technology (1984). He has published over 230 refereed journal articles and book chapters. He teaches and conducts research in environmental communication, public communication campaigns, methodology, organizational and management theory, information science and bibliometrics, social uses and effects of new media and information systems, content analysis, and social networks.
Stanford University - M.A. 1978, Ph.D. 1982 (Communication research)
Virginia Commonwealth University - 1972/76 (various courses)
Columbia University - B.A. 1971 (English literature)