Cynthia Stohl's most recent research and teaching address global organizational dynamics related to corporate social responsibility, collective action, emerging communication technologies and the management of visibility in the digital age. Her work is grounded in a concern for human rights, organizational ethics, and social transformation.
Cynthia Stohl (Ph.D., Purdue University) is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is past director of the Center for Information Technology and Society at UCSB. Before arriving at UCSB Cynthia was the Margaret Church Distinguished Professor of Communication at Purdue University. She has been elected Fellow of the International Communication Association, Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association and has held honorary professorships in Denmark, France and New Zealand, Cynthia’s research has been influential in many disciplines including organizational, political, media and interpersonal communication as well as management and political science. She has published two award winning books, Organizational Communication: Connectedness in Action (Sage Publications, 1995) and Collective Action in Organizations: Interaction and Engagement in an Era of Technological Change (with B. Bimber andA Flanagin, Cambridge University Press, 2012,) as well over 120 articles and book chapters, many of which have received international awards. Cynthia is a past president of the International Communication Association.
Ph.D. (1982), Purdue University
M.A. (1978), Purdue University
B.S. (1969), State University College of New York at Buffalo