Amy Gonzales examines the digital divide, particularly short-term disruption in access to devices, as well as the effects of social interaction via communication technologies on identity and well-being.
Amy Gonzales is interested in the psychological and tangible consequences of internet-based social interactions. Her work aims to advance theoretical understanding and real-world solutions that may help mitigate the negative long-term consequences of new digital infrastructures. She is especially interested in these phenomena for people from disadvantaged communities (e.g., racial/ethnic minorities, low-income populations, LGBTQ individuals, etc.). She has published in leading journals in the field of communication, including Journal of Communication, Communication Research, New Media & Society, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Media Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior, Information, Communication & Society, and Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking.
Ph.D. (2010), Cornell University, Communication Science