Young Ji Kim (co-PI), along with her collaborators, has been awarded a prestigious US Department of Defense (DoD) Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI) Award for a project entitled, "AutoCoMBOT: Autonomy in Cyberspace through robot learning and Man-BOT Teaming". The project aims to develop a new comprehensive foundational framework for safe and robust artificial intelligence. Young Ji will lead one of the project’s main tasks, which is to develop a team science for human-bot teams with the goal of developing a robust hybrid team in dynamic and adversarial environments. The grant team consists of researchers from three universities—UC San Diego, Northeastern, and UC Santa Barbara—who bring together diverse expertise spanning cybersecurity, machine learning, team science, communication, and human-computer interaction. The team received a total of $2,500,000 ($3,750,000 total pending Year 2 review) for 2021-2024, and $325,000 ($485,000 pending review) has been allocated to UC Santa Barbara.