Jun 25, 2014

This quarter about 160 lucky film studies and communication students are learning about politics, the media and journalism from a veteran - CNN’s senior political analyst Jeff Greenfield.

Greenfield, who has worked in journalism for over 40 years, is a visiting professor teaching two courses this quarter. One of the courses, called “Political Media in the United States-A Historical Survey,” is offered to both communications and film and media studies students. It traces the media’s role in politics from the days of the Federalist Papers in the 1780s to the Internet, and discusses themes such as America’s fear of foreign influences.

Greenfield is also leading a seminar on “Ethics in Politics” for students in the Communication and Political Science Depts. During the seminar, students discuss ethical questions that arise in politics while taking on roles such as political candidates, campaign operatives, journalists and partisan and undecided citizens in a mock campaign.

(Source: The Daily Nexus)