Jun 25, 2014

Gaines, S., Melack, J., Penley, C., & Rice, R. E. (2008). University of California, Santa Barbara Digital Ocean Project Planning Phase. Funded by The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, January - September 2008, $100,000. The overall final product of this planning phase will be a full-blown, detailed proposal for initial funding of the DigitalOcean Project. The DigitalOcean Project (DO) will use collaborative digital technologies to inspire public engagement in preserving the world's oceans. Recent studies have demonstrated the massive human impacts that are accumulating in ocean ecosystems. Without public support for change, we will lose vital biocomplexity in our oceans. DO will seed leading social networking and media sites with science-rich content and compelling stories. When fully realized, participants will include scientists, educators, students, policy makers, communicators, and the general public. DO will offer them knowledge, tools, and a community base for becoming active supporters of sustainable ocean uses.