Save the Date! Please join us (virtually) at the UC Santa Barbara/Department of Communication 2021 Rupe Conference on Communicating about COVID-19. We have an outstanding group of communication researchers and practitioners who will discuss how public institutions, individuals, messages, media, and organizations communicate (or don’t!) about COVID-19. You can attend one or more of the five free Zoom Webinar sessions, from 10:45am-6:30pm on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Each session will offer about 20 minutes for each of three presenters, and about 10 minutes for discussion and Q&A with the audience. See for program, sessions, presentation titles, abstracts, and presenter bios and photos. Go to Shoreline at to register for the Conference and receive your Zoom Webinar link. If you are a UCSB student, faculty, or staff member, log in using your UCSB Net ID. Otherwise, click on “Sign in Below” to use as a Guest. See you there!
(Please feel free to post and share this invitation!)