UCSB Comm Alumni Virtual Career Series
We are excited to announce the UCSB Communication Alumni Council Virtual Career Series via Zoom, featuring UCSB Communication Alumni. Sessions continue the 2nd Wednesday of most months during the academic year. See https://www.comm.ucsb.edu/alumni/involvement/resources for upcoming presentations.
April 13 6 pm PT: Careers in the Video Game Industry - Marketing, Product, Development and more with Cody Corona, Director of Product, Ripple Effect Studios at EA
Ambitious, multi-dimensional leader with 10+ years of product and brand experience in the AAA videogame industry. He has developed insights, strategy, tactics, and executed plans across in-game monetization, player engagement, user acquisition, marketing, partnerships, first party relations, and more. His work has helped create some of the biggest gaming moments in the past decade – from the powerhouse arrival of Warzone, to doubling the COD Live Services business, to launching Grand Theft Auto V and creating a modern Live Services framework on console in GTA Online, and much more. Click here to register with EventBrite to receive your Zoom link for Cody!
We have programmed these free Zoom sessions to be informal and interactive. The speaker will spend about 10-15 minutes sharing their career journey and discuss job opportunities in their industry. We will then open it up to a Q&A where you can ask your questions about career, networking, job opportunities, etc. Also, we welcome feedback on future sessions you'd like to see as part of this series so bring your questions and ideas to the session!