4:00pm to 5:30pm

This talk will present an ongoing book project, co-authored with Dr. Ioana Literat. In this book, we argue that social media today is a key space for youth political expression, a space for young people to try out their political voice and find their connection to the political world through their preferred language and style. Grounded in empirical research around three cases of youth political participation on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, we examine the practices and dynamics that shape youth political expression on social media today and offer a theoretical model for how different platforms enable and constrain certain forms of political expression through the interaction between their affordances, norms, and contents.

Neta Kligler-Vilenchik is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication & Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Her research focuses on political expression in the context of the changing media environment. She has published widely in communication journals around youth political expression on social media, citizens’ modes of everyday political communication, and engagement with news in varied digital platforms, in venues such as Journal of Communication, New Media & Society, Information, Communication & Society, and Political Communication. She is also co-author on the book By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism, published by NYU Press. Dr. Kligler- Vilenchik has been included in Israeli Globes Magazine’s 40 under 40 list. In 2021-2, she is an Annenberg Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University.