For the November 10 Colloquim, joint with CITS, Drs. Autumn & Chad Edwards, Western Michigan U., will present “Being a Wizard: Conducting Experiments in Human-Machine and Human-Robot Interaction.”
Dr. Autumn Edwards is a professor in the School of Communication at Western Michigan University, Co-Director of the Communication and Social Robotics Labs, and a Theodore von Kármán Fellow at RWTH Aachen University. She is the Founding Editor of the Human-Machine Communication journal. Dr. Edwards has been named as one of the "Women in Robotics You Need to Know About- 2020."
Dr. Chad Edwards is a professor in the School of Communication at Western Michigan University, Co-Director of the Communication and Social Robotics Labs, and a Theodore von Kármán Fellow at RWTH Aachen University. He is a past president of the Central States Communication Association.