Hyojin Lee uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to study the communication of sensitive subjects, such as immigration status and sexual health, across computer-mediated and interpersonal contexts, with the aim of fostering positive societal effects. Presently, her research delves into how undocumented individuals communicate resilience and thriving to their allies in interpersonal settings, as well as within the online sphere.
Hyojin Lee is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She received her B.A.s in Culture Design Management and Economics from Yonsei University. She completed her M.A. in Communication at Seoul National University. Hyojin’s research interests lie in the interpersonal communication of taboo topics, especially between close relationships. Based on her experiences as a content creator on YouTube, Hyojin began her master’s research in media psychology and message effects on promoting sexual health. With her background in media effects and her current focus on interpersonal communication, she seeks to understand how online and offline settings are used to communicate and resolve barriers associated with difficult topics. Hyojin works with Dr. Jennifer Kam for The Communication & Empowerment Collaborative.
B.A. (2018), Yonsei University, Culture Design Management & Economics
M.A. (2022), Seoul National University, Communication