Graduate Handbook & Forms

Please work with the Student Affairs Manager to complete required forms. The raw form is viewable via the PDF link. When you are ready to complete and submit a form, please use the PowerForm link to assign signature roles in DocuSign.

Additional Graduate Division forms and policies including Academic Progress Plans, Leaves of Absence, Employment Exceptions, and more can be found here: Forms & Petitions. Whenever these forms become relevant to your situation, please discuss with the Student Affairs Manager.

MA Forms

Nomination of MA Advisor (PDF | PowerForm)

MA Thesis Proposal Meeting Report (PDF | PowerForm)

MA Committee Nomination - Please login to GradPoint Student to nominate your committee

PhD Forms

Nomination of PhD Advisor (PDF | PowerForm)

PhD Committee Nomination - Please login to GradPoint Student to nominate your committee

Qualifying Exam Option Form - Committee approval for two-quarter qualifying exam period (PDF | PowerForm - coming soon)

Qualifying Exam Results (PDF | PowerForm)

PhD Dissertation Proposal Meeting Report (PDF | PowerForm)

Report on Doctoral Degree Final Defense (PDF | PowerForm - coming soon)

Course Requirement Grids (available via the General Catalog)

Please communicate with the Student Affairs Manager regularly to keep your grid up-to-date.

MA Requirements

PhD Requirements

Directed Reading & Directed Research Contracts

COMM 593 - Directed Reading Contract (PDF | PowerForm)

COMM 596A - Directed Research Contract (PDF | PowerForm)


8-Unit Enrollment Exception (PDF | PowerForm)

Outside Department Approval (UCSB course)

Outside-course Approval (non-UCSB)

Graduate Handbooks (PDF)
